Bristol Trials Centre (BTC) Webinars and Presentations
Trial managers from the Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI) Hub of the BTC will be giving virtual presentations and webinars as part of the UKTMN (UK Trial Management Network).
Trial Methodology Research Partnership (TMRP) webinar series (22nd July)
Maddie Clout and Hana Tabusa will present “Are electronic study management systems acceptable to participating sites?”. You can see the recording of this webinar on YouTube.
Rapid Presentation: Changes to Clinical Trials as a Result of COVID-19 (23rd July)
- “A multi-centre CTIMP: moving from hard copy and face-to-face, to online” (Abby O’Connell)
- “The advantages of electronic study management systems when working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic” (Maddie Clout and Hana Tabusa)
- “Alternative methods of serious adverse event reporting during remote working” (Maddie Clout and Sarah Baos)
You can see a recording of the Rapid Presentation event on YouTube.
This is a great demonstration of the innovation shown by BTC Trial Managers.