A randomised controlled trial to assess the extent of intimal Hyperplasia and Atherogenesis in bypass Vein grafts following different Surgical preparation Techniques
Sponsor: University Hospitals Bristol
REC Number: 09/H0101/28
Status: In Analysis
During coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery, vein grafts removed from other parts of the body are used to bypass diseased arteries in the heart and improve blood flow. Vein grafts can become narrow over time and which increases the risk of having another heart attack.
Harvest is designed to test whether the method of surgical preparation of the vein grafts at the time of the operation decreases the risk of blockage one year after surgery. Currently, vein grafts are prepared by stripping away the surrounding fat at the time the vein is removed from the leg. The vein is then tested for leaks by filling the graft with fluid under high pressure, using a syringe. It is thought that this method may damage the vein. Other methods of preparation involve removing the vein from the leg with its surrounding fat and testing for leaks at lower pressure.
Patients who consent to take part in Harvest are allocated by chance to different vein harvesting and vein preparation strategies and followed up for one year, when they will have detailed investigations of the vein grafts.
A total of 97 patients have been successfully randomised over 3 years and 10 months and followed-up for 1 year.
Contact Information
Chief Investigator: Prof Gianni Angelini
E-mail: harvest-trial@bristol.ac.uk